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Writer's pictureDokmay Powell

Maintaining Positive Energy in Your Life

We all strive to stay positive when things get rough and we're faced with unavoidable challenges, situations and difficulties. But trying to maintain a positive energy is more that just thinking happy thoughts. We know that with positive energy and a positive mindset you can accomplish pretty much anything throughout the day. The problem? We have to put in the heart work on top of the head work and sometimes we don't know where to start.

Here's what happens to us when we're faced with these so called "challenges." These challenges can stem from negative workplace, failures, disappointments, trauma and heartbreaks. You get beat down. With every challenge, your positive energy gets depleted little by little. Negative thoughts slowly starts to creep in. You start to question your resiliency. You question your self-worth. Heck, you start to question your faith, religious or not.

When faced with rough times, negative thoughts emerge, but being able to focus on the positive, just know things will work out in your favor at the end. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional state of mind that focuses on the good and expects positive outcomes. The more positive energy you create, the more improvements you'll see in your life and you'll touch more lives with the inner work you're doing.

Just remember, EVERYTHING is ENERGY and ENERGY is POWERFUL. Mind, body and soul. The things you say, the things you do and the things you think. So what do I mean when I say maintain positive energy in your life? Well, energy comes in all forms. The energy I'm referring to is the one that summons a reaction inside you when situations come up. Yes, I said summon because Lord knows some of my reactions have been from the evil spirits I do not want to name, lol.

Ready to put in the work for maintaining positive energy in your life? Do you want to stay positive and reboot that energy you once had? Negative energy and challenges dimmed your light? Here are some tips to get your positive energy and vibe back:

*WAKE UP WITH GRATITUDE- Have you ever thought about how much your morning dictates the rest of your day? Waking up full of gratitude stimulates the happy chemicals in our brain. I get it, if you're going through some shitty situation right now it feels like there's nothing to be grateful for. Then simply wake up, take 3 deep breaths and be grateful for those breaths.

*TAKE IT OUTSIDE- Studies have shown that the great outdoors promote good health. Planting yourself in a serene natural environment lowers your stress levels, improves your memory and rejuvenates your whole being.

*TAKE A MENTAL BREAK- Yes, take a time out for yourself. Mental and physical exhaustion is a silent killer for positivity. Learn to take breaks when you start feeling overwhelmed. Stop doing what you're doing and either walk outside for a bit or lay down and take a quick nap.

*LISTEN TO MUSIC- Music affects the same region of the brain as drugs. It's just not as powerful but it has similar effects. Listening to music can trigger the release of dopamine (happy chemical) and change your mood for the better. If you're trying to promote happiness and have a higher level of concentration then classical music is what you should be listening to. It's also good if you're feeling at peace and want to maintain that feeling.

*LAUGH LOTS- They say laughter is good medicine. They are absolutely correct! Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain and protects you from damaging effects of stress.

* HANG AROUND POSITIVE PEOPLE- Relationships, either platonic or romantic are supposed to energize you, not deplete you. Stress is contagious, so the less you're around it, the better for your inner thoughts. Positive happy friends encourage you to have a positive happy life. Sometimes it's not your own energy that's low or negative but the toxic vibe from others. The bottom line, choose carefully who you allow into your circle, behavior and thought patterns mirror those we hang around.

*SAGE SMUDGING AKA ENERGY CLEANSE- Native Americans, Indigenous Americans also called this Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing. Though we've only seen it emerge within the last few decades, this tradition goes back thousands of years. This powerful cleansing technique drives away negative energy and restores balance to you and your space. Regular smudging cleanses the energy that feel stale or "stuck" in return creating space for healing and uplifted states of consciousness. Turn your mind, body, soul and space into a peaceful, beautiful temple so you can rejuvenate yourself and find happiness!

There are many more ways to maintain positive energy in your life, you just have to be open to them and ready for change. Try some of these tips too:





How do you maintain positive energy in your life? I'd love to know! You can't have too much positive energy!

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